Bipolar, mood stabilising medications, and Cosmo Kramer

By Jonathan Reyes It’s not all that easy talking about bipolar disorder.  I mean, when you bring up bipolar and mood, most of the time people just think, ‘Ehh, my woman or man is bipolar as fuck’.  But when you start to mention the mood stabilising medications that you have Continue Reading

It is as bad as it sounds

By Tina Blacksmith Mental illness really is as bad as it sounds.  It’s hard to believe it’s already been over a month since Chester passed away.  I remember, actually quite fondly, listening to Linkin Park every single day for a long period of time during my teen years.  His memory Continue Reading

Just Hold On – Remembering Chester

By Tina Blacksmith I remember listening to Linkin Park every day.  I would sing along with Mike because it was easier than singing with Chester.  Then as I got older, I stopped listening to them and found other bands.  So when I saw the headline on July 20th, it was Continue Reading