Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. We have put together a collection of our favourite, hardest hitting and most touching pieces on suicide. These articles have been put together by you, our readers, showing the real life impact of suicide and suicidal ideation.
Your Stories on World Suicide Prevention Day
The articles below all carry a trigger warning.
The S Word
It has become increasingly apparent to me that one of the biggest hurdles for people who want to help loved ones suffering from mental ill health is empathy. The ability to walk a mile in their shoes. To put themselves in their loved one’s position. Only then can they understand their loved one’s condition, and only then can they even begin to know how to help that person.
4 Lessons I’ve Learnt After a Suicide Attempt
One year ago, I made what I thought would be the last decision of my life, a decision to end it. I was alone in my basement, and I made a near-fatal attempt. Rushed to the hospital eight hours later, I survived after spending three days in intensive care and relying on a multitude of medications to keep my heart pumping and lungs breathing.
What have I learned throughout the past 365 days? Here’s the top four lessons:
Deciding to Live is a Very Difficult Thing
‘Deciding to live’ is a journal entry I wrote at 4am, during a crisis in 2014. It transpired I was experiencing a mixed episode, diagnosed very soon after this in hospital.
Suicide Isn’t Just ‘I Want to Die’
Suicide has been in the media a lot over the past few years. Particularly very recently with some amazing, talented, seemingly ‘happy’ celebrities taking their own lives. But suicide is still hugely misunderstood.
Suicide Attempt at Weekend & Making Sense of it
To say I’m very disappointed is an absolute understatement. Devastated. I haven’t tried to take my own life for a few years now and thought all was in control, however this weekend it all exploded and I ended up in A&E for emergency physical treatment.
Overcoming a Suicide Attempt
I’m still here – I woke up with my husband and parents surrounding my hospital bed. I didn’t understand. I was supposed to die. It didn’t work. Not again. Why?
What No-one Tells You To Expect, One Year After a Suicide Attempt
This time last year I was at the bridge ready to jump but suddenly, with no warning, strangers jumped out their car and pulled me back to safety.
I hear you ask many questions, why? Where? How could you? But that’s not why I’m writing this, as there are many suicide attempt survivors that could give you these answers but for me personally, it’s the what next?…
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[amazon_link asins='1977009336' template='ProductGrid' store='iam1in4-20' marketplace='US' link_id='ffcb5f04-1297-11e8-8b2c-c721ea9703cc']Why no-one Ever Really Dies From Suicide
Celebrity Ricki Lake posted on her Instagram on February 14, “It is with a heavy heart that I share that my beloved soulmate, Christian Evans has passed. He succumbed to his lifelong struggle with bipolar disorder.”
Instantly I knew what she meant. And how she felt.