By Ashley Phillips
I have now tried half a dozen times to ask to speak to the Barnet CCG about the thousands of pounds they gave us for me to go to The Nightingale Hospital. I have been trying to feedback on how successful their money was in helping me get back to a high functioning working individual, contributing to society; but they don’t seem to want to know!
They don’t want to hear my views on what is effective and what is not from a patients point of view, from a #suicidesurvivor from some one who has been subjected to NHS/Private over-flow at Potters Bar Clinic run by Elysium Healthcare No.2 Limited (previously Potters Bar Priory), dreadful place! That the CQC gave good rating to!! They can not have spoken to the patients. I have been in the Dennis Scott Unit, Edgware, which had a lot of room for improvement, and the Nightingale, the 5 star of psychiatric support.
Is there not some mandatory review and reporting when you spend money on an individual, on expensive private psychiatric care? I am sure there is a form you have to fill in to reflect and review which tissues were purchased under the NHS! but not £50K it would seem!
Also I wanted to mention Sue Schraer, my 1-2-1 psycho-dynamic therapist who has been supporting me since Nov 2016; she has been amazing. Thoughtful, insightful, patient, caring, inspiring; Thank you Sue.
Reproduced with permission, originally posted here