I Deserve Peace and Happiness

By Sylvia Marcia The other day, my friend told me, “We weren’t supposed to feel like this.” You see, we are both currently struggling with anxiety and depression. We are both waiting for night to come, to sleep. My friend added, “We weren’t supposed to be suffering. No one is Continue Reading

Pushing the Boundaries of Emotion, One Day at a Time

By RR1993 Being diagnosed with BPD can be both an extremely lengthy process and a relatively daunting prospect. This is why I have learned to push the boundaries of emotion, one day at a time. Thankfully, My GP Realised the Current Treatment Wasn’t Working From my own personal experiences, I Continue Reading

Words do hurt and this is why…

By Victoria Jane Why do words hurt so much? They are just words, right? But words do hurt. Humans have very successfully created a wonderful array of words over centuries. We communicate effectively with one another so that we can keep pushing forward as a human race. When you look Continue Reading

I Accept Who I Am With a Mental Illness

By Gabriela It doesn’t matter how medicated I am or how much therapy I do, I will always have depression and anxiety as my right and left hand men.  They don’t magically disappear.  Instead, I accept who I am, and they become manageable – but ya, sometimes the thought of Continue Reading

Being friends with someone who has mental health issues

By Amysboarderlineworld Living with mental health issues is hard, really hard. But being being friends with someone who has mental health issues can also be tough. Mental Health Issues & Friendship I have lost many friends over the years because of my mental illnesses but I have gained some fantastic Continue Reading