As humans we have always striven to make life better. It’s what drives us. The mindset of having to stay positive is killing that basic instinct.
What Is Emotional Isolation And Why Do I Have It?
By Shae Hansen Please note: This post is by no means a medical recommendation. I am simply describing the resources I use that helped me in this particular situation. About a month ago, my mother in law was visiting from Maryland and told my husband about her experience with finding Continue Reading
Having A Spouse With Anxiety
By Shae Hansen Having a spouse with anxiety has definitely been a learning experience. I didn’t have very much experience with anxiety before I met my husband. In the beginning of our relationship I wasn’t very understanding. There were things that he would worry about that seemed incredibly insignificant to Continue Reading
5 Natural Ways To Improve Depression And Anxiety
By Shae Hansen In our world today there are many unnatural things we put in our bodies and many harmful effects we get as a result. It’s no wonder that so many people are seeking out natural alternatives for many things. In this post, I will be talking about natural ways that I use Continue Reading
The 6 Things I Do The Night Before To Make My Mornings Anxiety-Free
By Shae Hansen I have to admit, most of my mornings are chaotic and are usually prone to an anxiety attack or two. I usually don’t think about my mornings until it actually is morning. I’m trying to make my mornings anxiety-free. My mornings became so bad and my anxiety Continue Reading
5 Tricks To Help You Sleep When Anxiety Keeps You Awake
By Shae Hansen Ever have those nights when you are so caught up in worrying about things in your life that sleep just doesn’t happen? I’ve had so many of those nights that I lost count about ten years ago. Anxiety doesn’t leave me alone, not even to get a Continue Reading
5 Tools I Use To Overcome My Social Anxiety
By Shae Hansen Emotional and physical isolation is something that is truly challenging for me. I often feel like I want to barricade myself in my house and not ever emerge. I don’t feel like talking to people, and I don’t feel like even being in the vicinity as others. Continue Reading
Being A Woman And A Wife With Depression And Anxiety
By Shae Hansen I’m going to be completely honest. I have depression and anxiety. It’s not an uncommon combination to have these days, but it’s very hard for a lot of people to talk about. In this post, I specifically want to talk about how my depression has not only Continue Reading
How A Sleep Schedule Has Impacted My Depression & Anxiety
By Shae Hansen Hi guys! So, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about sleep, and how it affects depression and anxiety. I know that if I get too little sleep I am so much more anxious about things than I would be if I had gotten enough sleep (coffee doesn’t Continue Reading
What To Do When The World Makes You Feel Like Giving Up
By Shae Hansen Sometimes we all have those days – or weeks – when we feel like the entire world is against us, we feel like giving up and we want to just throw up our arms in defeat. These are usually the times when I implement some coping methods, Continue Reading