Remembering Carrie Fisher

Since her untimely passing, there have been many pieces written about Carrie Fisher and the influence she had on mental health advocacy. Below are a selection of our favourites: The Mighty – Carrie Fisher, ‘Star Wars’ Actress and Mental Health Advocate, Dies at Age 60 This is My Brave – Continue Reading

I am me, not BPD

By Ani Borderline Personality Disorder, or BPD, has quite a heavy stigma, even in health care. I started to notice this almost immediately with brief but distasteful encounters. I remember seeing a girl in the psych ward throwing a tantrum, lying on the floor, screaming in fury, then seconds later Continue Reading


Sometimes I brush my teeth for seven minutes straight because it just feels right. Some nights I put my pillow on the opposite end of the bed because I’m still hopeful that I’ll wake up different that way. I never do. Sometimes I forget that I’m reading in the middle Continue Reading