Never Settle - A Year of Growth
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By Jess Harvey

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? The reflection that looks back at you, is that your best self, someone you believe in? Or is it something you don’t like the look of?

One year ago I took control. I decided it was time to focus on me without regret or worrying about judgement. And damn, it feels good!

You’re perfect

Why is that? What has caused us to become separated from ourselves so much that we don’t like our own reflection?

Why are you not the absolute best version of yourself? You were created just the way you are for a reason, and you are perfect. You are perfect because no one else is like you, and you have no one to compare yourself to. Or do you?

Is that the problem, do we try too hard to compare ourselves to someone else? Someone prettier, or thinner, who has the things we want: the house, the husband or wife? The grass is always greener… right?

I actually like me now

Well, I can say in the past year I have grown not only to appreciate the person in the mirror, but actually to like her. This is where I may lose some of my readers, and unfortunately the ones who will check out now are the ones who need to read this the most! I got myself in check!

It was hard work, telling myself all the time that I was going to be ok, that it was all going to work out. I eventually convinced myself of it, and now I believe it!

Do you know the power that words have on a person? It all starts with what you tell yourself, or what you believe. Every day we make decisions that can affect someone else. It could be how you treat the staff at Tim Hortons, how you speak to a co-worker, or the smile you give to someone you pass on the street. The truth is, that smile could be what makes someone’s day.

Don’t let life get in the way

If you haven’t lately, reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to for a while. When we decide that we won’t let life get in the way anymore, we open up the chance to rekindle lost relationships. We allow ourselves to form friendships with people we meet. The key is to slow down and enjoy every minute you have.

Life is brutal; stuff happens that we don’t understand, and then we question our mortality. But why do we wait until something happens, to re-evaluate? If what you’re doing doesn’t make you happy, is it worth it? Why would you ever settle for mediocre when you are capable of excellence?

As moms we spend so much time making sure that our kids are ok, our house is ok, our bills are paid and there’s food in the fridge. We get to work on time, and we sacrifice. All the time we sacrifice ourselves for everyone else.

What if we took that back?

Taking control

One year ago I took control. I decided it was time to focus on me. Without regret, and not worrying about judgement, I decided it was time to find myself. That has meant a year of growth.

And damn, it feels good, learning that I should never be ashamed of who I am! I’m not trying to impress anyone, not anymore. I’m surrounding myself with people who fan my flames. As Will Smith says, if the people you are spending time with are dousing your flames then why are you spending time with them?

Positive thinking

Positive thinking brings positive energy and puts you in a positive mood. It’s the Strangest Secret, with the simplest solution.

It’s been a long road, and looking back I never would have thought I would get to this point. Of course, I still have road blocks and speed bumps – every damn day! The difference now is I know that they will not stop me, nor will making mistakes define me.

I saw a great quote today that was seemingly written for me:

There’s going to be very painful moments in your life that will change your entire world in minutes. These moments will change YOU. Let them make you stronger, smarter, kinder. But don’t you go and become someone you’re not. Cry. Scream if you have to. Then straighten out that crown, and keep it moving.

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Erin Van Vuren

Reproduced with permission, originally posted on jessharvey31

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