By Nicolas Edge
Alone inside a crowded room
Your brain plays that familiar tune,
Why am I broken, what’s wrong with me
They will not get it, cannot see
They cannot help, nor understand
A lonely soul, a foreign land
Even those you love the most
Can not revive a living ghost
No options left, nowhere to turn.
You’re wrong, my friend, please listen, learn
I know the pain of which you feel
That bends you, breaks you, makes you kneel
I’ve walked these streets, afraid, alone
I’ve questioned, is this place my home?
I’ve hid behind a smile, a blade,
Could fill a book, mistakes I’ve made
But mistakes made are lessons taught
And through the darkness I have fought
The darkness in you has a name
And isolation is its game
But it can be conquered, can be beat
You have to stand up, have to speak
This isn’t over, you have a choice
So find your courage, find your voice
Too many fall without a word
Alone, in pain, confused and scared
So listen to me, take this advice
The love of others will suffice
And from this battle you will walk
If you can find the strength to talk
Do not be beaten without a fight
For darkest days can turn to light
There is no pain I have not felt
But I found hope, I asked for help
And you’ll find strength in those that care
You’re not alone, of this I swear
We talk of angels in the clouds
But they walk among us in the crowds
By silence, you must not be bound
There is help out there to be found
So whatever you feel, whatever the pain
TALK and, I promise, you will smile again.


Work place discrimination has always been there. Physically challenged people get good opportunities, perks and job security. But psychiatry patients won’t get it. The employer and the management sees psychiatry patients as a liability. If they perform well, they will exploit you all the way down to your marrow and then chuck you out. The salary is also dismally low. South India has the highest suicide rate, yet the quality of mental health service is abysmally very poor. I equate our Indian psychiatrists as border line quacks who are no better off than agents for sales representatives helping them to increase the volume of sales.
Unless the mindset of the Indian people changes, or are made to change one cannot expect to see any change in the condition of psychiatry patients. All other physical ailments and life style diseases patients are enjoying a good quality of life because a lot of money and resources are being fuelled into it. They get stepped care approach, they are rich and are actually those who employ psychiatry patients and then kick them off.
Health care industry has a discriminatory attitude towards psychiatry. And that is being reflected in the employment sector also.
Who is running the country and managing its day to day activities? Who decides the economic fate of the country? Who are the criminals? Who are the tax evaders? Who are the employers and the employees in general? They are none other than the life-style diseased patients.
They are leading a luxurious and a stable socioeconomic life. They have not lost that mindset to struggle and agitate for their seemingly illegitimate demands for more resources and power and they will do it insanely so and amidst it create violence and havoc.
Psychiatry patients have no power. I have a “permanent address” which has been rented. I cannot vote and I have not voted for nearly 15 years. The person whose address I have rented is physically handicapped, and has no professional degree. But he is an NRI and has a house and property in India and abroad as well. And he is leading an economically and socially stable life.
I am using this person’s biodata as an example only to compare the situation of a psychiatry patient with one who has a professional degree and several years of active professional life. There is no intent to demean or insult that person. But for comparing a psychiatry case with a physically disabled case, it becomes necessary to divulge these parameters.You can compare it by using different category of people.
And Suddenly he becomes homeless, address-less, loses his right to vote, ends up in a rehab center and suffers serious adverse reactions. And no one is accountable for it . All because of depression.