5 Things I’ve learnt about being an empath
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By Amysboarderlineworld

Being an empath is really an amazing gift.

5 Things I’ve learnt about being an empath

I love being an empath, I truly do, but it’s not without its difficulties. I have often heard people say that sympathy and empathy are the same things, but they really aren’t.

5 Things I’ve learnt about being an empath. You feel absolutely everything! If someone is happy and overjoyed, you will get giddy and excited too. But you also feel the pain of others' trauma.

The dictionary states:

Sympathy: feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.

Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

A good example of the differences between the two was given to me in a group therapy session a few years ago, and it really stuck with me.

A friend has fallen down a very deep hole. They’ve hurt themselves so are unable to get out. You call for help. The next part is what separates the two.

A sympathetic friend would respond, “I am so sorry. You must be so scared. Don’t worry, help will be here soon.”

An empathetic friend would respond, “I’m going to try and come down there with you. I can feel your fear and pain,” and they really can feel every shiver and painful movement.

Empathy really is just so much more.

This brings me onto 5 things I’ve learnt about being an empath.

Being an empath is exhausting!

Being an empath means you feel absolutely everything! If someone is talking to you about a really happy event and they are overjoyed, you will physically feel that. You will become giddy and excited too. But, equally, you act like a sponge when it comes to the negative feelings, too. If you’re hearing about something traumatic that’s happened to someone, you will feel the pain, the upset and the negative feelings. You will be left with the traumatic feelings for some hours, or even days, to come.

We are very sensitive

I think that empaths are great listeners and really loyal friends. They will stick by you through everything, as they will truly feel what it’s like to not have that. Being sensitive is often seen as a negative thing and I am now and have often in the past, been told “Stop worrying” or “You’re way too sensitive”. But in my opinion, being sensitive is a positive. You are able to fully experience things the way that others can’t.

Empaths have great intuition

I’ve always been someone who has got a “gut feeling” about someone or something. Quite often though, I never trusted that feeling, but afterwards would think – “I knew that”. But as time has gone on, I have absolutely begun trusting my gut, and it’s amazing how it helps me avoid negative people or situations and even helps with ideas and future plans.

Empaths get overwhelmed

This is very true and goes back a bit to my first point. We need time on our own to recharge and, in my case, calm the thoughts and feelings that are rushing around my mind and body. I will also, more often than not, drive myself to gatherings, etc, as it means I can leave when things get too much.

Many empaths are introverts

I’m an introvert, and I prefer smaller groups, one on one and alone time. I always thought that being this way was a negative and made me “boring”. But now I am so much more comfortable with it. I don’t mind being in small groups, but I do ultimately like being on my own, and I am not ashamed to say that anymore. I like being in my own world of writing, drawing or painting. It enables me to switch off from the exhausting life of being an empath sometimes.

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These are just 5 things I’ve learnt about being an empath. There is so much more that can be said but, like I mentioned before, being an empath – I love it. It really is a gift, but I have to be careful I don’t let it exhaust me too much or prove dangerous to my health. This is one reason I left group therapy. I would be hearing about others people’s awful past traumas and abuse and be so taken in that it would affect me in awful ways. I couldn’t speak to anyone for days.

We are like human sponges. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, we will ultimately suck it all in. On the flip side though, it makes us incredibly passionate and loving and means we truly, truly care and understand you.

If you have an empath in your life, I think you are very lucky.

Lots of love,

Amy xxx

Reproduced with permission, originally posted on amysboarderlineworld.com

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