These days are ours, happy and free (Oh Happy Days)
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Read Time:6 Minute, 57 Second
By Rachael Senior

The big catch up…

These days are ours, happy and free (Oh Happy Days). Birthdays, holidays and glorious sunshine! Everything is so relaxed and chilled out, it is doing my mental health the world of good, it's unreal.

Friday after work was the start of my week’s annual leave.

Mine and Matt’s birthdays are the day after each other’s so we always take our birthday week off. This year mine is on a Friday and Matt’s a Saturday, so we booked off the week leading up to it.

It was a great day Friday, work was super busy which meant it went super quick. It was Matt’s last day at his work – he starts a new job in care work on Monday 23rd – and it was a Friday which meant our pal Scott was coming over.

Now, normally we watch loads of shite movies. But for a birthday present to each other me and Matt went halves on a record player which he then hooked up to our sound system.

It was amazing!

We have loads of our parents’ vinyls, including The Beatles (and their solo stuff), Genesis and the Monkees. We also have the Rolling Stones, Drifters, Moody Blues, Johnny Cash, Elvis and many more. Also, we have ones we have picked up ourselves such as Oasis, Madness, Billy Idol and The War of The Worlds.

So Friday night, we put some music on and chatted. Then we watched Greg Davies’ “Magnificent Beast” stand up show which is on Netflix. We were all in floods of tears from laughter right from the get go.

It was amazing!

Afterwards we watched a couple of episodes of “A Bit of Fry and Laurie” and thus ended a fabulous evening.


Saturday was the day I received my awesome mail. It was the medal I chose for my April virtual race. I had picked this one a couple of months ago but it had to be done IN April to get the medal.

And it is… TIME WARP 10K!!!?

I absolutely love it. Rocky Horror Picture show is one of my favourite movies, so when I saw this I knew I had to get it.

This one was from Pow medals. I am not yet decided what I am doing in May, I will look this evening and see which ones catch my eye.

What I love about this is that I am (slowly) doing more exercise. Even if I did just this one 10k a month it is still more than what I was previously putting in. So, yay to awesome geeky medals.


Hmm, what did we do on Sunday?

Oh,  it was community day on Pokemon Go. We had decided we were going to go to Ipswich for this event. For those unaware, the event lasts 3 hours and gives you an opportunity to catch rare “shiny” Pokemon and a few bonuses.

As I have mentioned before Pokemon Go is really good for getting people out and about and today proved it. We got the train at 9.30 to Ipswich and walked non stop for a couple of hours. Then we went to the pub at 12 for lunch and then at about 12.50, we left and walked back to the station.

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By this point we had walked about 4 miles in total. So not too bad a day for exercise. We were all shattered though. When I came home I got in bed for a little nap. Two hours later I woke up from a wonderful sleep.

The best thing about that 2 hour nap was knowing that I didn’t have to go to bed early for work the next day. So, a late night didn’t matter. We watched the first 4 episodes of Lost in Space on Netflix (very good, well worth a watch) and then went to bed about 1 am.


For some reason when I’m writing the days I feel like it should be read with a sinister noise. Also, that it should be written in large letters suggesting impending doom – not too dissimilar to The Shining.

So, Monday I got up early as my back was aching something chronic. I fed the cats and played on my Nintendo Switch for a bit. Then I started work on some of my business website. Oh, I actually got it finished and launched at the weekend also, so now is the task of maintaining a lot better than I did previously.

Having fun while working

There has been a lot of radio silence from me on social media while I was working on this. So, I needed to get that back up again. I dedicated Monday to uploading a certain product and posted about it a couple of times throughout the day along with a couple of other random posts.

The reach seemed to be quite good and there was also some interaction which is good (obviously). It will take a little time to get it back up properly as I have no idea how Facebook Algorithms are these days. I think it’s not in favour of business pages though.

I’ll get there with just posting numerous times a day. I have got to make the posts engaging and informative. Also, I REALLY want my business to be my full time job and not just something I do in my spare time. I have been doing it for 3 years now and I love it, and I know I can make it work. Then, I know when that time comes it will be the best thing ever.


Yesterday, I started the day the same way. I got up, fed the cats, played on the Switch and then did a few more hours of adding products to the website. I also made sure to post on social media. Afterwards me and Matt went to the pub for “a pint before going to Asda”. Four pints and some of the most glorious weather later, we stumble home via Asda and pick up everything but forget the one thing we needed (cat biscuits!!)

We came home, ate and finished watching “Lost in Space”, and then I went to bed while Matt watched some other film.

That brings us to today, Wednesday

I don’t think I have ever said the word glorious more times than I have this week in describing the weather. More so because of how rubbish it has been this year and this week. It just spun round it to the more gorgeous weather.


What a week to have off!

Today started off the similar as previous days – up, switch and computer. Although I had a little longer sleep in, so Matt sorted the cats out.

Our pal had the day off today also and we were trying to think of best and cheap ways of incorporating the lovely weather in our day.

We decided to go to Lidl and get some burgers and beers and came home. Matt shoved them in the oven (burgers that is, not the beers) – as we don’t have a BBQ. Then we all sat outside in the sun eating and having a couple of beers.

It was just bliss

Matt made a comment earlier which really hit the nail on the head. He said that this week is going at a really good pace. I had to agree. It is going good as it’s not flying by. We are both being productive, yet everything is so relaxed and chilled out it is just doing my mental health the world of good, it’s unreal.

Right now it’s 20.15 and we’ve only just shut the curtains.

We’ve got a Hammer Horror movie on, “Satanic Rites of Dracula”, and I just can’t stop enjoying the day. I may even nap just cuz I can at this hour and not worry about my night’s sleep tonight (hahaha).

So here we are, caught up with my shenanigans from the past few days. Putting the effort in to my blogs and not just skipping the days on catch up.

I hope you are all doing well.

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Peace & love & remember… Should you need us…

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Reproduced with permission, originally posted on

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