By Martin
It’s time for me to rebuild my life, to look forward instead of back. Time for me to let go of what I have to, and to confront and deal with what I must.
It’s time to move on, time to reset and restore. This isn’t the first time I’ve said this, and it won’t be the last. I need to say this every day now, to remind myself that I am worth saving because of what I have around me, because of me.
Facing up to the past
I realise it won’t be like flicking a switch, I can’t switch off the past; I need to face up to it so eventually its horrible darkness will eventually be lit up. And one day I will wake up and see the sun shining, and I will smile.
I know there are bridges I have to destroy by fire, but there are some, surprisingly, that I would quite like to try and rebuild.
I’m still waiting for counselling, and I know that won’t be easy, but I need to accept the help when it comes, not push it away.
Sleep is like death but without the commitment.
Reproduced with permission, originally posted on justscrewedupme