By Sarah Henderson
I was excited this week to hear about the development of a new workplace mental health initiative. It includes a ‘Mental Health at Work’ website and online training. This is being developed by Heads Together and Mind.
1 in 6 British workers are affected by mental health issues. Sadly only 2% of people asked in a survey by Mind were speaking to their HR at work about their mental health. Also, only 3% of people who responded to the survey had successfully found mental health resources online that they needed.
Worthwhile Contribution
Employees with mental health/well-being issues can and do provide a worthwhile contribution to the workplace. But at times we may need extra support. Adjustments to our working environment help when we’re managing our mental health. Having support from work helps us to recover quickly. Also it may stop us from getting worse, and may reduce the impact on our home and work life.
That much-needed support cannot be given if people don’t feel able to speak to their employer due to the stigma of mental health. This also applies if their employer can’t find information on how to help employees.
Not Robots
Employees are human beings, not robots. Even if we do not suffer from a mental health illness, our mental health well-being can still be affected by what life throws at us. Those things include physical illness, bereavement, caring responsibilities and financial difficulties.
So having a resource for workplaces will be a huge benefit to us all. It will also help contribute towards the recommendations in the UK Government’s review of mental health and employers, ‘Thriving at Work’.
Mental well-being is as important as physical health
I’ve been busy experimenting with stitching on paper this week. The ‘beast of the east’ has helped to give me more stitching time due to the amount of snow it brought!
I machine stitched around the painted tree freehand. Then I used normal stitching thread in the spool, and machine embroidery thread for the top thread.
I even like the reverse of the stitching.
Leaves were drawn on bondaweb and cut out on brown fabric and yellow sari ribbon. It took a while as they were small!
The leaves were then placed on the paper and ‘bondawebbed’ in place using an iron. Thank goodness I didn’t sneeze or cough before ironing them in place. Otherwise they would have blown away.
Now it’s ready for me to stitch the leaves. As you know, stitching is great therapy for my depression and anxiety, so I can totally relate to this quote ?
“I’m in therapy, and sewing is cheaper than a psychiatrist!”
Reproduced with permission, originally posted on soulstitchblog

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I was planning to write a piece on workplace and how it relates to mental health. You have given me some really good insights and thoughts that I could use. Unfortunately, in most offices, people are more busy in politics and cost cutting rather than improving the working conditions which could actually increase efficiency.