The ultimate list of coping outlets for those fighting depression and anxiety
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Read Time:5 Minute, 19 Second
By Natalie Patrick

I’ve been craving Bacon Maple bars from Hurt’s Donuts all day. That oh-so-sweet maple crust with that yummy bacon topping gets me every time. If you haven’t tried these donuts, you just NEED to treat yourself!

The ultimate list of coping outlets for those fighting depression and anxiety. What are your favorite ways of coping during stress, depression, or anxiety? How is your journey of positive coping going?

Coping mechanisms

Coping outlets … Basically, another term for ‘coping mechanisms.’ It’s finding a healthy activity that you can do to help overcome obstacles when you’re stressed, depressed or anxious. It’s really important to manage stress in a healthy, positive way. Resorting to negative behaviors will be a guaranteed way to lose the fight against mental illness.

Unhealthy examples

Here are some examples of unhealthy coping outlets that you should change TODAY:

starving yourself (you have to eat to survive!)
eating too much (avoid too much sugar and caffeine)
cutting, pinching, punching
pulling out hair
biting nails
drinking alcohol/doing drugs
taking too much anxiety medication (did you know that medications like Xanax or Klonopin can make your anxiety worse?)
body shaming
suicidal tendencies

Positive changes

It’s time to make some positive changes in your life! Kick depression to the curb, and show anxiety who’s boss! I created the ultimate list of coping outlets to help you win the fight against stress and mental illness. There’s something in this list for everyone.

Try out a few, find out what makes you happy and motivated. Don’t do something that you dread. If you don’t like to garden, then don’t go planting flowers. Keep this list handy! When you’re depressed, stressed or anxious, just pick one of these activities to do to trick your mind into happiness and relaxation! Remember, every day is a new day, and every day that you practice using positive coping outlets, the quicker you will overcome stress and mental illness.

The ultimate list


  1. Go sit outside and enjoy nature
  2. Check out these 10 depression quotes that could change your life!
  3. Give yourself a facial (check out these DIY masks)
  4. Take a hot, herbal bath with my handcrafted Bath Spell sachets, only on Etsy! Try out the Anxiety & Depression herbal sachet!!!
  5. Try these yoga poses
  6. You HAVE to try out this grounding exercise!Read the Harry Potter books (or any book)
  7. Pedicure time!
  8. Get artistic with adult coloring books
  9. Drink hot, herbal tea
  10. Ride a bike
  11. Try out these breathing exercises!
  12. Cook a healthy meal, like this: Teriyaki Chicken Casserole
  13. Go swimming!
  14. Try meditation
  15. Paint your fingernails
  16. Try watercolor painting
  17. Relax in a hot tub or steam room
  18. Walk around the block
  19. Lie out in the sun or go tanning in a booth (this will give you a boost of Vitamin D Happiness)
  20. Have a glass of wine
  21. Eat healthy snacks like these
  22. Go walk the dog
  23. Read a magazine
  24. Listen to stand-up comedy on Pandora
  25. Dance to your favorite music
  26. Start a workout plan
  27. Hike a trail
  28. Go fishing
  29. Learn how to be a photographer
  30. ing your heart out!
  31. Write some poetry
  32. Try a DIY hair mask
  33. Take a jog through the park
  34. Catch up on housework: laundry, dusting, mopping
  35. Take a small nap
  36. Plant some flowers or bushes
  38. Buy some new shoes or lingerie
  39. Put on some makeup (want that sexy cat eye?)
  40. Call a friend or your mom
  41. Stretch out your muscles
  42. Learn how to meal prep
  43. Use mindfulness
  44. Go get a massage
  45. See a therapist
  46. Work on those abs!
  47. Re-decorate your house
  48. Paint your bedroom (2017 Paint Color Trends)
  49. Organize everything!
  50. Clean out your closet
  51. Have a yard sale
  52. Drive around town
  53. Go to Starbuck’s
  54. Try out something new like Hurt’s Donuts
  55. Watch a movie or tv show
  56. Go to a museum
  57. Make some pottery
  58. Plant a tree
  59. Start recycling
  60. Learn how to sew or crochet
  61. Adopt a pet from a shelter
  62. Use essential oils
  63. Learn a new language (I’m trying to learn French)
  64. Take a hot bath with epsom salts
  65. Play Candy Crush or solitaire
  66. Do crossword puzzles or word searches
  67. Start journaling
  68. Track your moods
  69. Take a college course
  70. Lift weights
  71. Get a spray tan
  72. Buy some new makeup
  73. Take selfies and bask in all the compliments
  74. Travel somewhere new (I’m planning for Portland, Oregon)
  75. Play some sports
  76. Join a gym
  77. Write and mail letters to your friends
  78. Unplug from social media
  79. Bake some cupcakes
  80. Go rollerskating
  81. Enjoy a movie at the theater (my local drive-in theater is opening this weekend!)
  82. Send your loved one flowers or a card
  83. Play hackeysack
  84. Put lotion on from head to toe
  85. Make a gratitude list
  86. Compliment yourself!
  87. Try surfing or sailing
  88. Buy a comfy robe and slippers
  89. Use a heating/massage pad
  90. Change your look! Get your hair cut and colored!
  91. Drink lemon water!
  92. Eat these healthy foods to fight anxiety!
  93. Do a marathon
  94. Give to charity
  95. Volunteer
  96. Speak up for mental illness and help fight stigma!
  97. Give someone a compliment
  98. Braid your hair
  99. Try drawing
  100. Get crafty!
  101. Make your bed (put some lavender essential oil on your sheets and pillows)
  102. Rub a worry stone or Lepidolite
  103. See a play or Opera
  104. Try ballet or tap dancing (I was in ballet for almost ten years! Very therapeutic!)
  105. Write a book
  106. Create a recipe
  107. Make soy candles with essential oils
  108. Write a letter to your idol
  109. Go to a concert
  110. Hit up the batting cages
  111. Play miniature golf
  112. Go to a football or baseball game (Go St. Louis Cardinals!)
  113. Ride some roller coasters
  114. Have fun canoeing or water rafting
  115. Plant a vegetable or herb garden
  116. Play some board games with friends and family
  117. Check out Pinterest (You can follow me!)
  118. Listen to this Happy Playlist
  119. Mow the yard
  120. Do some more yoga!
  121. Relax at the beach
  122. Cope, baby, cope!

Your favorite ways?

I hope you have enjoyed this really long list of healthy coping outlets! What are your favorite ways of coping during stress, depression, or anxiety? Have any suggestions to add to the list? How is your journey of positive coping going? Tell me all about it in the comments below or email me at If you would like more advice about depression and anxiety, BetterHelp has all the answers!

Sharing is caring! Follow me on Pinterest for even more tips and advice!

Reproduced with permission, originally posted on

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