Review of Brené Brown’s Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone

By Eleanor Johnson Braving The Wilderness is an inspirational and thought-provoking book. It would be beneficial to any reader who has ever felt alone or questioned where they belong. This is a trait that can often accompany many of those suffering from mental illness, but may well affect most of Continue Reading

Both the Consumer and the Provider – Bipolar is not for the Weak

By Abigail E. Fliege My story began when I was fourteen years old. I was sexually violated and I spun into a clinical depression. I was given an antidepressant and later became manic. Most people with bipolar disorder cannot be given an antidepressant without a mood stabilizer, but nobody knew. Continue Reading

Suicide. The Mask. The Warning Signs

By Ruth Fox Suicide – that word caught your attention, didn’t it? The truth is, suicide catches everyone’s attention. It’s the warning signs leading up to it that go unnoticed. It is thought that one person dies from suicide every 40 seconds. Men aged between 20 and 49 are more Continue Reading

10 important life lessons learned in 24 years

By Ellyse Rafferty 10 important life lessons learned in 24 years 1. Who you are right now is not who you’ll be in a year’s time. Reinvent yourself whenever you feel like it. We are always growing and changing, so go ahead and shed your skin. 2. Give what you Continue Reading

The Healing Power of Hip-Hop

By Jeremy Divinity “If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. So please don’t cry, just know that I have made these songs for you”, hip-hop artist Kid Cudi professes to his fans on his song “The Prayer”. As an artist, Kid Cudi is Continue Reading

The Government and Mental Health in the UK – How It’s Affected My Life.

By Megan Adams We should remember that each and everyone experiences some kind of mental health issue in their lifetime. That statistic of ‘1 in 4 people a year will suffer from mental health issues’ is a bold statement. It also leads us to believe that depression and anxiety is Continue Reading

When You Need To Take A Break Due To Mental Illness

By Andressa Andrade Earlier this year I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I had been struggling with my physical health for months, and had a stomach illness that made me feel sick all the time. Because I could barely eat anything and lost a lot of weight, leaving the Continue Reading