It’s too difficult to try and understand

By Liam Fraser Lately I’ve learnt asking for help in life Is harder than ever, it’s a tiring fight Don’t get me wrong there’s overwhelming support You’ll know what I mean if you’ve been here before Hands up if you’ve wasted many hours of explaining Nice try… but you figured Continue Reading

Mental illness doesn’t stop for Christmas

By Samantha Jones Christmas is meant to be a happy time of year for everyone. However, this is not always possible when you live with a mental illness. Depression cannot differentiate between birthdays, Christmas, or any other day in fact. Depression doesn’t give you a day off just because everyone Continue Reading

3 tips to help ease anxiety at Christmas…

By Kelly Slaney Christmas can be a fabulous time of year. In fact, Christmas can be the best time of year. It can also be absolutely ram packed full of stress and anxiety triggers and noise and mess and chaos and worst of all… All. The. People. Anxiety at Christmas Continue Reading

Depression: An Evil Battle

By Cynthia Fontaine Depression is not sadness My whole life, I thought depression was sadness. I thought people who were depressed were sad, and that eventually they’d “snap out of it”. I feel ashamed to have thought this, ignorant even. Depression is not sadness, and I’ll tell you exactly what Continue Reading

My Brain Loves To Play Tricks On Me, And I Love To Let It.

By Gabriela I spend a lot of my time living in the past. Obsessing over what could have been or what would have happened if I had done things differently. I live in the past because I am not content with the present and the unknowingness of the future. I Continue Reading

Existing not Living. No Longer Me

By Lizbeth I was first diagnosed with depression in autumn 2009 following major surgery. After a few months of antidepressants it passed and I was convinced I’d been cured – until 2016. The tiredness, that overwhelming, debilitating tiredness, came first. Then came the feeling that I could no longer do Continue Reading