Having A Spouse With Anxiety

By Shae Hansen Having a spouse with anxiety has definitely been a learning experience. I didn’t have very much experience with anxiety before I met my husband. In the beginning of our relationship I wasn’t very understanding. There were things that he would worry about that seemed incredibly insignificant to Continue Reading

My November: Tracking My Mental Health

By Jody Elford I’ve been using the Daylio app for thirty-nine days now. It has been interesting and helpful to look back on the reports it had produced for November. I feel there is potential for a lot of insight to be gained from diarising habits and mood tracking that Continue Reading

‘Tis the Season to Lose Your Marbles: 12 Tips for Holiday Sanity

By Wendy K. Williamson Despite seasonal depression, I try to focus on the positive aspects of the season. But it also means I must guard against the chaos that can push me to dizzying speeds. The lights, the money, the crowds, the colors in brilliant, blinding hues, are at times Continue Reading

Accepting Who I Am… A person with mental illness

By Gabriela It doesn’t matter how medicated I am or how much therapy I attend, I will always have depression and anxiety as my right and left hand men. They won’t magically disappear, instead they become manageable. Sometimes the thought of living with them for the rest of my life Continue Reading