It is as bad as it sounds

By Tina Blacksmith Mental illness really is as bad as it sounds.  It’s hard to believe it’s already been over a month since Chester passed away.  I remember, actually quite fondly, listening to Linkin Park every single day for a long period of time during my teen years.  His memory Continue Reading

Responding to “How are you?” – do you say “Fine”?

By Tina Blacksmith I have this really bad habit.  When someone asks “How are you doing?” or “How is your day going?”, I automatically respond with “Good” or “Fine”. I say “I’m good” but it’s not always true You may be wondering why this is a bad habit.  In my Continue Reading

Let’s End The Stigma of Mental Illness

By Alison Cervoj Stigma I want to talk to you about stigma, and at the same time share part of my experience of mental illness and continual recovery, which comes complete with the occasional relapse.  We need to talk about mental illness to help to end the stigma. What bothers Continue Reading

Everything hit stop. Loving the depressed. Trigger warning

By Anonymous You were meant to go back to work after the weekend.  We couldn’t afford for you to do a phased return if you didn’t.  We thought we’d have a lovely weekend, enjoying our little family.  Then work called.  Everything hit stop.  You can’t go in.  They want you Continue Reading