By Caroline Jones
I had a bad evening the other day. I was okay, and then suddenly – total mood slump. It happens; that’s the joy of having a wonky brain. No rhyme or reason to it sometimes, just randomness. And it was bad; I’d had things I wanted to get done – some of which were things I enjoy doing – and suddenly I had no motivation for anything at all. Himself tried to help, but that’s the problem with random no-apparent-cause slumps – if you don’t know why it’s happened then you don’t know how to get out of it!
Previously I would probably have sat there, gazing aimlessly into space, or gone to bed to do the same. I wanted cuddles and company, but I also wanted to not have anyone around; it was a weird mood. So I thought about it, and did what seemed best. I retreated to the bedroom, where I changed all the bedding for nice fresh stuff in pretty colours. I put on nice nightwear, and I ‘went to bed’; essentially I cosied up under the duvet with a book, a mug of cocoa, a hot water bottle, and some knitting. I started a new project – something with no pressure, no deadline, just something nice for me that I’m knitting because I like it and I want it. And I had my Scentered ‘Sleep Well’ balm as well; I find it very soothing and relaxing.
And that was me for a good hour or two; time to myself, with things that relaxed and comforted me, and by the time Himself came to bed I was ready to deal with company and enjoy cuddles.
This is probably the first time I’ve really successfully done self-care, and it really did help a lot. Changing the bedding was nice as it felt fresh and pleasant; I’ll remember that for the future! It didn’t take long to do, but had a very positive psychological effect. I slept reasonably well, and was back to ‘normal’ the next day. So don’t underestimate how much little things can help sometimes; that quiet time, that soothing drink, that something-just-for-you – it all helps.
Reproduced with permission, originally posted here
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I am always so busy taking care of everyone else that I forget about me the last time I got time to myself I ended up just staring into space cause I’d become aware of how bad my anxiety depression n PTSD had become the truth is I don’t know how to self care any suggestions would be very greatly received