Outrunning depression: My race

By Callum Nicholson For me, mental illness was always in the post.  In my view, a mix of genetics and life experiences made it inevitable.  However, outrunning depression has become an integral part of who I am, and I am proud of who I have become as a result.  Ultimately, Continue Reading

Words do hurt and this is why…

By Victoria Jane Why do words hurt so much? They are just words, right? But words do hurt. Humans have very successfully created a wonderful array of words over centuries. We communicate effectively with one another so that we can keep pushing forward as a human race. When you look Continue Reading

Social Exclusion and the Increased Risk of Suicide

By Michelle Robinson Is there a link between how we handle rejection and an increased suicide risk?  A recent study has found that people who attempt suicide demonstrate an increase in negative consequences when experiencing social exclusion.  The study found that there were differences in their brain activity.  The differences Continue Reading

Bipolar, mood stabilising medications, and Cosmo Kramer

By Jonathan Reyes It’s not all that easy talking about bipolar disorder.  I mean, when you bring up bipolar and mood, most of the time people just think, ‘Ehh, my woman or man is bipolar as fuck’.  But when you start to mention the mood stabilising medications that you have Continue Reading