By Anonymous
Tired. Exhausted. My eyes hurt; you know, that fuzzy, itchiness you get when you are awake and shouldn’t be. I’ll go to sleep for a little bit but then my mind goes on overdrive. Speeding round the tracks.
Tired. Sleeping. But not Well
Your sleep is restless. Turning constantly. Snoring in random intervals. It shows; you are more tired again too.
That’s what happens, sometimes, with mental ill health. Even if you can sleep it doesn’t mean you are sleeping well. Just like if you are reading but aren’t taking in those words. Our sleep is stuck reading the same line over and over.
It’s a vicious circle. As we know from seeing tired toddlers tantrum, lack of sleep doesn’t exactly leave you at your best. How do we keep up the fight? How do we find a way of getting stronger?
We take a day at a time, sometimes just going from hour to hour. We find the things that make us happier- we play with our little one, we watch a few episodes from a silly tv series in the evening, we pester the cat for cuddles, we laugh at Julia’s showstopper snail.
Wobbly baby steps forward. All these little bits gradually seep through and make us happy within. Until they do, and until you are well again, even if that’s years away, then I will hold your hands as you try to step. I will help you fight. I will say no to trips down the pub when your not having a good day.
Someone Cares
Everyone needs someone, even another person at the other end of the phone, listening. Making sure you know someone cares, especially when your brain tells you no one cares.
Trust me. Someone, somewhere, cares. Whether or not they know you, they care.