By Anonymous
I reached the grand old age of 26 before suffering any sort of mental health issue. I then gave birth to my 2nd child, a son and suffered pnd which looking back was part of the reasons I ended up in prison as I started to trust the wrong people.
When he was 10 months I was arrested, I knew I was facing a prison sentence which then added to the problem. I was sentenced to 8 years and my depression reached the point that I was placed on ACCT in prison and at one point was on a suicide watch for two weeks, followed by several more over a 2 year period.
I felt so low I couldn’t look at myself in a mirror and believed my children would be better off without me. I didn’t recognise me anymore. I slowly improved but spent the next 4 years on heavy medication which I came off when I fell pregnant. I have realised I’ll never be free of it. My depression manifests itself in different ways and its a case of spotting the changing signs and seeking help.