Medication (1)
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By Jennifer Catherine

Medication is a common treatment for many mental illnesses, but it is also very stigmatised. Many people still think that if you need to take medication for a non-physical illness then you are crazy and should be locked away. I believe that you should do whatever it takes to feel like yourself again and keep yourself safe. Yes, there are other forms of treatment, but they also have the stigma attached. It’s like people are scared of their own minds so they make others feel worse for trying to better themselves. It is far from respectful.

Medication - Jennifer explores some of the common concerns regarding taking medication for mental health conditions, and challenges the stigma that surrounds it.

Find What Works for You

Then there is the thing where “medications just make it worse” or “they don’t work”. Not all medications will work for everyone and their effectiveness can wear off. I was on one lot of antidepressants for 3 years and then they stopped working for me. To fix that issue I slowly changed medications with the help of a psychiatrist and these new ones are working great for me.

Yet, with my insomnia, I have been on about 6 different types and they all work for about 2 weeks and then stop completely. It’s just about finding what works well with your body.

Change Your Thought Process

I used to be ashamed of taking medication and wouldn’t take it to sleepovers with friends due to fear of being judged or thought of differently. I changed this thought pattern by telling myself:

“The people who mind don’t matter, and the people who matter don’t mind.”

This isn’t about anyone but yourself and you need to look after your health first. The stigma means nothing if you don’t let it affect you anymore. Trust me, it’s not easy to just stop caring about what people think or say, and I don’t think you will ever truly get over it, but you do need to put your health before their opinions. You are more important.

Find What Works for You

Medication doesn’t make you weak, stupid, crazy, out of control, drugged up, irresponsible or loopy. It makes you feel better. Why do you take medicine for physical injuries? It’s exactly the same. You are sick and in need of the extra boost to get you back on track, that’s all.

Oh, and if your argument is that it’s unnatural, there are vitamins and minerals that also boost dopamine levels and can help with many mental illnesses. There is something for everyone and sometimes we need the extra help.

Anyway, this was just a little rant and if it still managed to help you then that’s great.

Have an amazing day and keep smiling.

Jen x

(not a professional)

Reproduced with permission, originally posted here:

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