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Managing my Bi Polar diagnosis involves using a variety of tools. Medication which is monitored and reviewed is an important part of this. I do my best to live as healthily as I can right now and talk to those close to me when I’m struggling to maintain balance. But one of the most important aspects of my recovery and on going self care is having a creative outlet for the many thoughts and feelings which are a part of my daily life.

The-healing-power-of-creative-expression-pin - I would advise to follow whatever type of creative expression feels natural for you. Find what connects with you and go from there.

Journaling has been a hugely effective way of safely expressing myself and easing the burden of what can be painful and troubling emotions. It also helps me to reflect on the positive parts of myself and my life and find some calm amongst the chaos of my mind.

I have more recently begun experimenting with poetry as a form of creative expression and have found this immensely therapeutic.

Below is a recent poem I wrote as a way of helping myself to focus on something I can do to bring myself to calmness when I’m feeling overwhelmed by life.

Quiet the Mind

Quiet the mind, quiet the mind, make the time to quiet the.mind.

Allow the calm to become the balm to soothe an aching soul.

And create a space of tranquillity for the troubles that take their toll.

On the body, the mind, the spirit as well, for peace is there to be found. And the key to this may be within if we listen to the sound.

The sound of silence, of stillnes; and in that see the beauty, to understand our own nature, rather than what is our duty.

I’m starting to feel a gentle respect, need to withdraw yet also connect, And then to release: with myself as start and then open my heart from a place of fulfilment and peace.

For the ways of the world will always be there, they can’t and they won’t ever cease.

To quiet the mind takes patience; and practice is needed as well. But I really can see the gifts it can bring, something that no one can sell.

Maybe a path to inner peace and happiness in life, but may be something simpler, something less contrived.

To quiet the mind is a gift to myself, however I try to achieve. I can and I will feel calmer and still, I only need to believe.


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Like so many, life in my head is not straight forward and the recovery and healing process will be on going. Creative expression comes in many forms and for me it has been a powerful part of my ever evolving journey to better mental health.

Above all I would advise to follow what feels natural for you; drawing, painting, blogging, journaling, dancing, singing, making, creating, whatever it is….find what connects with you and go from there.

With all best thoughts and wishes


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iam 1in4 mental health daily tracker and journal


iam 1in4 mental health daily tracker and journal

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