By Jake Cox
Depression isn’t simply feeling sad or down, it’s waking up and all the colours around you are faded. It’s feeling like absolutely nothing yet trying to go about you daily life while carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Your mind tells you that it would be better if you weren’t around, every ounce of happiness or optimism is sucked from you leaving a mind numbing feeling of emptiness.
Mental health is a serious illness, you deserve treatment, support and compassion.
Never forget, how far you’ve come
Everything you’ve been through, all the times that you have carried on even when you felt that you couldn’t. All the mornings you got out of bed no matter how hard it was.
All the times you wanted to throw the towel in but you got through another day.
Never forget how strong you are and much you’ve learnt and developed.
You are not alone
If you should fall down
And find yourself needing a helping hand
I will always be there for you
Please don’t run and hide
I will hold your hand through the dark times.
You’ve beaten your demons once
You can beat them again
Together we will pull you out of the dark
I will stick with you all the while
Hoping for your smile to return
You are never alone
So please don’t give up
Keep fighting.
Storms don’t last forever