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By Robinspain
I’m sat here wondering if this is a good idea, filling up and about to cry drowning in self pity. No wanting anything, to live to die, to eat breathe. I’ve been here before, not wanting to live, wanting the pain to stop, I guess suicidal, but I won’t do that, reasons will become clear why.
Me just doing this blog is proof of how far I’ve slipped back into depression. Events of the last week or so have pushed me to the brink. I’m the man standing with his back to a cliff edge, heels over the edge, arms flailing helplessly trying to hold on to something that isn’t there.


Robin, hang on, many of us have been there and are here to support you.
nooooooooooooooooo, you bring so many people comfort in their darkest hours…..
I know that feeling all too well, as do you. Rubbish right now, but lighter times ahead. Keep your head up and try to think of how many people admire you…..