By Jennifer Catherine
No matter if it’s family, friends, neighbors, or romantic; relationships must be safe and mental health friendly. You need to feel safe and at ease with those people that you are surrounded by. Barriers created by stigma and stereotypes must be eliminated at all costs to keep everyone on the same page and reduce conflict.
Not all abuse is physical or sexual, but verbal and emotional can be the most damaging.
You need to insure that your partner and yourself feel comfortable to discuss and understand each others needs and comfort zones. It is always okay to say ‘no’ to any situation that you don’t feel confident in.
Despite how much you love the people in your life you are entitled to your alone time. Your health and well-being is worth more than anything in the whole world and the sooner you understand this, the better your relationships will become. This is something that goes both ways and you need to respect the space of others.
Communication is key!
If you think that something is wrong or you are unhappy with something you need to tell those involved as well as a trusted support person of your choice. You never need to deal with bad situations alone. To start the conversation simply ask “Can you help me?” People are not mind readers.
If you feel yourself hiding emotions and thoughts from those around you, take a step back and look at why that is. Can it be fixed? Is this person toxic? Can I trust them?
If you even hesitate at anything like this, that is the first red flag. Being open with the people closest to you can take the edge off and make you feel at ease.
Manipulation and emotional threats often go unnoticed. Threats of break ups, being ignored, given the silent treatment, blackmail and even threats of self harm or suicide can all be forms of this toxicity. This is another red flag but can be hidden in “love”, hugs, kisses and make ups. Don’t be fooled! It is never okay to treat others I. this way or to be treated in this way yourself.
To conclude, all relationships must be mentally safe, come with alone time, amazing communication, no secrets, and free of manipulation. These are just a few small things that can insure that your relationships are safe, happy and understanding. If you have any more pointers to add to this post please leave them in the comments
love you all,
Jen x
Reproduced with permission, originally posted here: diaryofapsychoblog.wixsite.com


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Mentally safe relationships,feeling safe and at ease with the people around you,are the key points.These points along with asking for help depends upon which part of the world one lives.In a place like India,it amounts to asking for a VIP status.
Here having mental health issues,going to a psychiatrist and even purchasing your medicines can be quite stigmatizing and an ordeal because it is inbuilt in our culture to be self-critical and to blame yourself and thus feel guilty about the psychiatric issues that you are facing.
And when you see a wide disparity in health care services that is being provided to patients from other specialities,you tend to feel more isolated from society’s neglect towards psychiatry.
In USA,the case scenario must be quite different,where you have 1 psychiatrist for every few thousand people.I guess it is 1:12,000.Whereas in India,it is 1 psychiatrist for a couple of lakh people.Under such circumstances it becomes even more difficult to self affirm your needs as you have correctly pointed out.And if necessary speak out to the concerned authorities about the need for improved psychiatric awareness and health care.Psychiatry is not their priority at all although India boasts about a long spiritual tradition,which is so much interlinked with human psyche.But they are running to hear sermons on spirituality but all the time ignoring the psyche and psychiatry.Our spirituality needs to accommodate the needs of psychiatry.I don’t think they are anywhere near it.