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By Jake Cox

As I write this, this week is mental health awareness week. For the entire week, I will be posting a poem or quote that I have written. On Friday, I will be taking part in the Messy4mind challenge to raise money for a great cause, I will be posting the video on Friday evening.

anxiety-why-me-pin - As I write this, this week is mental health awareness week. For the entire week, I will be posting a poem or quote that I have written.

On the Rise

Mental health is on the rise and so many are suffering in silence because they feel ashamed to talk about how they are feeling. My aim this week is to show everyone who sees one of my poems or quotes that there is a way out, so you don’t have to allow the dark times to take control of you. We all have our own way of coping with our feelings, we all have of our ways of survival in this tough world when you’re in too much pain to feel anything at all and believe me I get it. You believe this isn’t life anymore and that it would be easier if you weren’t around.

Believe me, when I say it does get better, even though it doesn’t seem like it will. You are capable of taking yourself back and you are worth it so, you have a reason to live and most importantly, you are STRONG. The lows can be low, but the highs will always be higher. Flowers cannot bloom without a little rain so, trust me, you’re here for a reason.

Keep fighting. There will always be hope💚💚

Anxiety Why Me?

Anxiety why do you do this?
Anxiety why do you keep me prisoner?
Anxiety why do you play tricks on me?
Anxiety why do you make me feel worthless?
Anxiety why do you make me hate me?
Anxiety why do you think you can control me?

Well, anxiety, today is the last day that I allow you to take control. Today is the day I take myself back, today is the day I stop you from doing this to me, today is the day I stop you from taking me away. Most importantly, today is the day you leave me alone.

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iam 1in4 mental health daily tracker and journal


iam 1in4 mental health daily tracker and journal

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