By Amy
So here it is. The start, the beginning.
I am a bit unsure how to do this, so bear with me. I have been told on several occasions that I ought to ”write a book” about our lives. I am not beyond sharing our story I just don’t want the ”wrong” attention. You have people who are always going to be the skeptic, the non-believer, the supporter, etc… Well I guess it comes with the territory.
You put your lives out there to be subjected to everyone you are bound to get people who just don’t give a shit or, don’t believe it. That’s fine. I have proof for the non-believers. But you know what…this isn’t about them, it’s about who we are and who we are able to possibly help by telling this.
Now here is the problem.
Since I have had a total of 7 mini strokes and one stroke, I have a slow progression of memory loss. So if there is ever a post that seems a little out of date… Trust me it may very well be. Please don’t focus so much on the dates as the events. I honestly rely a lot of my daughter who is able to help me with the memory. In no way have I asked some of the people in our lives their permission to be part of this story so I will either change the names or just put some sort of symbol.
I don’t want to profit from this, so that is not the reason for this. I just need to tell my story, our story, our lives and what we have gone through to someone when I am not sitting on a couch while watching a doc or therapist give me an emotionless look. I dedicate this to the people who gain some type of freedom along the way.
Reproduced with permission, originally posted here: throughourlives.com