By Sophie Ann
Arching over the small town
A blue sky turned grey
prayers quickly spoken to the Almighty
A lost beauty within the hearts of all
A crying cloud dampened the moods
further into the mud ground
not a smiled shared within those dear
until the rainbow, like clockwork, appeared
Moving on to new beginnings
leaving behind the thoughts
of her and us and all that became
of the rainbow and nothing more
Stripes of colour painting through
A negative mood lit afternoon
lifting the smiles of those in need
that rainbow healing the mad
Another day of plans for the future
one she never got
A speech of new knowledge and potential
with those colours behind her friend
Watching from a distance
the sky shine colours bright
A rainbow that is, for us, different
for it is her that shows her light
Reproduced with permission, originally posted here: insightsofastranger.blogspot.com