By Kelly Slaney
Before we get into the details of Art Therapy; A little background on how I came to find it myself.
If truth be told, I suffer with a multitude of mental health ailments. Anxiety and occasional low mood have been around so long, they’re like old friends checking in from time to time. They’re like an overbearing relative that irritates the hell out of you when you see them, and all through the visit you’re counting down to them leaving. You know exactly what I mean, don’t fib!
With them being old pals for so long, I’ve pretty much mastered the art of dealing with them. Anxiety can still manage to knock me sideways from time to time, but knowing it won’t last (because it never has) helps enormously with acknowledging that it’s showed up and now I’m waiting for it to piss the hell off again. Low mood is similar, ‘This too shall pass.’ is an incredible mantra for me. As I always say when talking about mental health, I can only tell my story. Your experiences, techniques and symptoms will be different to mine but there’s often some kind of common ground there.
Recently, a new mental health buddy joined the crew. Our newbie being trauma related; he brings with him flashbacks, nightmares and generally being scared of my own shadow. Loud bangs, noisy, squawky birds? Yep, that’s going to make me jump. In the stormy weather this morning, a single leaf blew at me and set my heart racing- Not great!
I found myself in need of a new way to deal with the bits in my brain that don’t work correctly. When Art Therapy was mentioned, I jumped on board. I know it sounds very touchy feely and new age, making clay out of your emotions nonsense, but for me it is a revelation. Here’s how it helps:
I’ve documented often on this blog how much of a struggle I find expressing my emotions verbally, that’s why writing this blog is so helpful to me. Expressing myself via the written word is preferable to sitting talking to someone face to face *shudder*.
Expressing my emotions with art, I have been amazed at how easy I find it. The session is led by an art therapist, and there will always be a theme, or some kind of a prompt. Themes such as resilience, feeling lost, and guidance have all come up so far. As soon as I hear these themes, pictures and images just pop into my head, and before I know it I’m there making art! (ME the woman who struggles with stick-men!). I’ve also been surprised by the emotions it’s stirred in me, I’ve been teary a couple of times.
I wrote earlier in the year about how I feel like my my social anxiety has disappeared. Walking into a group of strangers once upon a time would have been impossible to me. I’ve learned of late though, I really love people. I like hearing their stories and experiences and although I am a big fan of my own company, other people are great too! The group is particularly nice and everyone listens. That dark humour that those of us in the know thrive on, is definitely apparent.
My goodness, I am a contradiction. The group setting for a chit chat before the session and then later to discuss our art is great! What I am benefiting from though, is for that half hour, alone with my thoughts and my art materials, I can completely absorb myself in my own emotions. It feels quite self indulgent, but for that time I am fully concentrated on expressing myself. Being able to turn the world off for a little while feels so good.
So, for a voacalising-feelings-phobe such as myself, and a woman who LOVES an analogy, this works for me. In Art Therapy, we discuss our art and what we’ve made at the end of each session (you don’t have to, no-one will force you). I know I’m using whatever I’ve created to discuss my internalised feelings, but it’s so much easier to discuss my boat in a stormy sea than to talk about how lost I feel.
This is a clever one. I’m usually quite quickly inspired to create. Not too much though, just get those ideas down. Afterwards though, later at home, or a few days after, even I can look at my own picture and appreciate the little touches and what they might mean.
As I say, Art Therapy probably isn’t for everyone, but it feels like it’s helpful for me. Expressing myself without needing to look someone in the eye and talk, while getting to create at the same time… Well, I don’t know why I didn’t try it sooner.
Reproduced with permission, originally posted here: kellyandthekidsblog.wordpress.com


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