By Jake Cox
I hope this poem helps anyone who reads it to find the strength to say ENOUGH to all those voices, all those feelings and all those demons. You are capable of taking yourself back, you are worth it, you have a reason to live and most importantly you are STRONG. The lows can be low but highs will always be higher. Flowers cannot bloom without a little rain. Trust me, you’re here for a reason. Keep fighting. please feel free to share.
Enough is Enough
I’ve had enough
I’ve had enough of you
I’ve had enough of feeling like this
I’ve had enough of the thoughts
I’ve had enough of the feelings
I’ve had enough of you!
I am not you
I never was
I will never be you
This is my body, you are only a feeling and I will rise above you
I am stronger than you
I will survive you
I will fight you
and I will not let you defeat me
Signed me.