By Jake Cox
I’ve written many poems this year about mental health and I’ve had a lot of positive thoughts about everything I write. 2019 is going to be the year that the stigma around mental health is crushed, and people get the help they deserve and no longer suffer in silence. I’m going to continue to write my poems and get my work published. I hope everyone has a wonderful new year, and always remember, please talk to your loved ones if you’re feeling like quitting. Tell them how you’re feeling. The lows can be low but highs will always be higher. Flowers cannot bloom without a little rain. Trust me, you’re here for a reason. Keep fighting.
Don’t ever stop dreaming your dreams
Do whatever you can to make them a
the plans you make
and all the things you do
don’t dwell on the past mistakes
leave yesterday behind you
along with any of its problems
all those worries and doubts.
you can’t change the past
you can’t change what’s done
the future holds a lot for you
and you can do something about that.
Don’t try to accomplish all your dreams at once
life can be difficult enough
without adding frustration to the list
reach for one goal at a time.
Don’t be afraid to do the impossible
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t succeed
Don’t ever stop dreaming those dreams.