By Jake Cox
I’ve seen many posts the last few days and I’ve had people messaging me about my poems and how I cope with my anxiety. So, hopefully, what I’m going to write now will help shed a bit of light on mental health. Also I will try talking about suicide and hopefully this status will find someone who cannot find the light in a dark room.
Living with depression and anxiety
So, what it’s like living with depression and anxiety? Before I found my way of coping with my illness, I was suffering every single day. It was a daily battle against myself. It was a desire to live yet at the same time a desire to stop everything all together.
When your mental health is waging a war on you, take a break, give yourself a moment. Don’t allow the voices to make you feel guilty about the things you can’t do. It’s like having two identical devils sitting on your shoulders. One is telling you that you don’t care or feel anything and the other that you overthink and worry about absolutely everything that could possibly go wrong.
A lot of people are not only fighting with different mental health illnesses but their mental health illnesses are fighting with each other.
Facing it head on
I find that every day life with anxiety is a day I fight. Every day I wake up and face the world, I wake up stronger and I’m ready to face anxiety head on. Because if I don’t fight, it will overtake me and I’m not allowing this to take away my dreams and defeat me.
Everyone who is suffering is WORTHY. You may feel worthless and right now you wish you didn’t exist but trust me you are WORTHY. And you have people out there who love you dearly and are happy that you’re still fighting this horrible illness.
I’ve been reading a lot about suicide and how the public deem those who take their own lives to be “selfish”. That it’sa “selfish” and “cowardly” decision made by someone who cannot face their problems. Suicide is a SYMPTOM of a debilitating disease that robs us of our ability to feel, fight and exist. Suicide should be spoken about more without judgement. It should be fought against without prejudice and it should be treated with respect.
Please talk to your loved ones if you’re feeling like quitting, tell them how you’re feeling. The lows can be low but highs will always be higher. Flowers cannot bloom without a little rain. Trust me you’re here for a reason. Keep fighting.
It’s okay not to be okay, okay