By Amysboarderlineworld
This is a post that I never really envisioned writing. However, it’s one that now seems very important, since the last few weeks of moving house.
Now, I’m a very organised person. I get things done. I do things quickly and efficiently. I do it my way and might be a pain in bum, but I get it done well. I am actually a bit weird, I guess, as I love packing and unpacking. Arranging and organising – yeah, weird, I know!
I’ve moved house 3 times before and not really found it stressful. Tiring, and a bit annoying at times, trying to get everything sorted how you want it, but never really stressful.
That is, until move number 4!
Well, this move was very different in a number of ways.
1) I had kids! A 16 week old baby and a 5 year old!
2) We had A LOT of stuff!!
3) I was struggling with my mental health.
If I’m honest, I’ve hated the whole process this time around. Spending hours and hours deep cleaning and decorating our old house, then attempting to clean and sort out our new house, whilst trying to work and sort out my boys. It’s been blimmin hard. I’ve actually run myself down, to be honest, and have been pretty poorly.
Of course, I’m grateful for being able to move house, though. Gosh, I’m over the moon. Incredibly blessed to have a beautiful house with my beautiful family, but this is a classic example of how mental illness does not discriminate. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you have – you could be a billionaire – and still suffer the crippling lows of depression!
This is why I’m writing this post.
Here are 6 things that I wish I had put in place to help my mental health whilst moving house.
6 things I wish I’d done!
1) Start well in advance if you can. I kind of thought I’d done this, but really I didn’t do enough. If you can, though, start packing bits up and storing then away. Clothes that you know you’re not going to wear (summer ones if it’s winter, etc). Toys the kids aren’t playing with at the minute. Ornaments, etc. It really helps that last minute rushing and stressing.
2) Start telling companies you’re moving sooner. I have been downright awful and doing this, this time around, I completely forgot about sorting my T.V and broadband, so I’ve been without internet for over a week. Might not seem like much, but when it’s how you work, it’s a big issue!
3) Ask for help. *Awkward shuffling* I am literally the world’s worst at this. I try, I really do, but I’m just rubbish at asking. But I really wish I could have, as a few hours here and there would have been a massive help and really eased the pressure on me and family.
4) Keep on reminding yourself that it hasn’t all got to be done straight away! And it won’t be. But that’s ok. You’re not failing. You’re not rubbish. It’s just what happens when you move house. It takes time.
5) If you take medication, keep it in an easily accessible place. Honestly, this is a big one. The last thing you need after a long day is desperately digging through boxes and bags, in search of that medicine that is the only thing that helps your anxiety or gets you to sleep!
Don’t beat yourself up!
6) Put money aside in advance for takeaways etc. Even if you are the most organised person on the planet, I seriously doubt you are going to be cooking your home-cooked-from-scratch dinners for you and your family for the first few nights – 5 nights in my case – so don’t beat yourself about it, and before the big day arrives, put some cash aside in preparation. The last thing you need is to have something else to get stressed/upset or down about. Oh, and please don’t do as I did and beat yourself up and feel guilty about not cooking proper dinners for your family. It’s only a few days or weeks. The kids will probably love it, your partner, if he’s anything like mine, won’t care as long as he eats something. This time will pass, and probably sooner than you think.
Moving house is a tough thing to do. Regardless of whether you struggle with mental health issues or not. Remember that.
You will get through it
Also remind yourself that, yes, it will be tough physically and mentally. Yes it’s going to be very tiring. Yes it’s a huge change. Yes, it’s all very different, but likely you are doing it to better yourself and your family. You will get through it.
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Stay safe.
Lots of love Amy x
Also I just wanted to add here that I am choosing to move house. I am aware of what a lucky situation I am in, but if you find yourself having to move because of financial difficulties or because of your mental health, then click here. It will take you directly to the Mind website’s Housing section, where they have a huge amount of information and support.
Reproduced with permission, originally posted on amysboarderlineworld.com


It’s never easy moving, sounds like you did great with the circumstances!