This is simply WRONG. We can do better
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By Anne-Marie Gawen

What’s the current situation in our Mental Health system?
You, or a loved one, become seriously mentally unwell. You would think that if admission was needed to a psychiatric unit, that would happen. However, this is becoming increasingly unlikely. 30% of psychiatric beds have closed in the last 10 years. So what you are likely to be offered is:

A wait, with access to the Crisis Team, who MAY be able to support you at home
A psychiatric unit many miles away – out of your area
Admission to a very stretched unit – where there is little therapeutic input and staff are extremely busy

This is simply WRONG. We can do better. We CAN do better if we put our minds to it. It is NOT rocket science, but it does require commitment and resources to be used in different ways.

Our mental health system is not functioning well – it is poorly resourced and understaffed.

Hospital beds are over occupied

How would you feel if your loved one was expressing suicidal plans, was agitated, not themselves? If they were assessed (professionally) as a danger to themselves, but an acute mental health bed was not available? This is the situation day in day out, for people all around England.

Meanwhile, the doctors and nurses on our wards are trying to “manage” bed capacity at over 100%. Which means patients going home on “leave” will have their beds occupied whilst they are away. It is very distressing to come back to a bed with someone else occupying it.

Medication is provided, but other therapeutic interventions are “as available”. This means they will be cancelled if the ward is too busy – which they are a lot of the time. “One to ones” are cancelled; patients feel the staff are “too busy”, so they don’t “bother” them. So these rare beds, so difficult to find, are not always the therapeutic environment that they should be.

The only available bed can be over 100 miles away

“Out-of-area” placements are increasingly used because of the shortage of beds. The British Medical Association found that over half of admissions to psychiatric care mean journeys of over 100 miles for families. For young people – especially those with an eating disorder, the situation is even worse. 7 out of 10 are placed in units far from home. These are children at their most vulnerable, being sent on long frightening journeys, their families unable to visit when they want or need to.

This matters. In 2015, the King’s Fund warned: “A lack of available beds is leading to high numbers of out-of-area placements for inpatients. Out of area placements are costly, have a detrimental impact on the experience of patients and are associated with an increased risk of suicide.”

Is precious money being well spent?

Unfortunately, a lot of money is going to staff who work through an “agency” or as “locums”.

Staffing shortages are particularly severe in mental health services. There are more than 20,000 vacancies for mental health staff in England. BUT the number of available psychiatric nurses has fallen – 12% since 2009. Nurses are heading towards retirement age more quickly than they are qualifying.

Agency staff are sometimes the only option. In 2015 agency nurses cost, on average, about £39 per hour. This compared with around £27 per hour for a bank nurse (in-house equivalent of an agency). And just £11 per hour for a band 5 staff nurse, and £16 per hour for a band 7 ward sister. Even when employer costs are added, permanent staff working at usual rates are a much more cost-effective solution for employers. See here

What more can the NHS do to attract permanent staff? It is imperative that this is addressed, so that working in NHS mental health services is seen as a positive career. With good remuneration and conditions.

It is difficult to make plans to improve services, provide resources, when you have a massive financial leak going on. And when you haven’t got an adequate pool of qualified staff – and when Brexit will reduce staff from EEA areas coming to fill our gaps.

What’s the alternative?

Whether to the Community Mental Health Teams, the Crisis and Home Treatment teams, or other Community providers, cuts have been happening and the effects are concerning. People are not receiving the support in their communities to keep them well and to prevent hospital admissions. Their recovery is not supported. People report being discharged from hospital and services before they are well enough and left to cope.
The opposite of this needs to happen before we will see progress.

Two crucial community services:

Crisis and Home Treatment Teams (CRHTT) services

Many CRHTTs need completely overhauling. Patients complain about the way these teams treat them – often making them feel worse – so they don’t contact them. Or they contact them, get an answerphone message and are left languishing for a call back – sometimes when it is too late. Patients’ complaints are long and consistent. CRHTTs appear to be poorly resourced; staff are stressed and are not listening in a way that patients feel heard. In fact many CRHTTs tell patients to call the Samaritans, which is a good idea – Samaritans will listen. But Samaritans cannot do the other functions of a CRHTT, such as arranging services.

Recovery Colleges

Recovery Colleges need to be provided everywhere – everyone should have access to one. They need to be bolstered to provide their students with the skills and knowledge to build their recovery, to become self resilient, to be empowered. Recovery services and language need to be central to planning mental health services – yet they are not. Some areas don’t even have a Recovery College. Have you heard of them before? Is there one in your area? Make full use of it if there is. Recovery stories are amazing and unique, and we should be enabling and promoting them – whilst still providing therapies, etc, to support that recovery.

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We need change

Today these two articles were published – and

We could sit and wring our hands and despair. Or we could say, “This is not good enough. This is wrong. We can do better”. Because the truth is, we CAN do better if we put our minds to it. It is NOT rocket science, but it does require commitment and resources to be used in different ways. We will always need specialist units and inpatient beds. But our care and compassion in the community can reduce that demand with hope and better quality lives.

Want to find out more about Recovery Colleges? IMROC are the organisation leading on this. Check out their website for information and support in building Recovery Services and finding out more about the Recovery Model. “Recovery” is the future of mental health services – let’s get to work on it now.

Unlock Your Wellbeing works with Recovery Colleges delivering Wellness Recovery Action Plans – the cornerstone of any Recovery College – as well as other Recovery sessions.

Reproduced with permission, originally posted on

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iam 1in4 mental health daily tracker and journal

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2 thoughts on “This is simply WRONG. We can do better

  1. We certainly could .. having experirenced mental health care both in the Priory and the NHS, the difference of what a bit of funding can achieve scares me :c

    1. and ,, I suspect the NHS is very well aware of this. A high proportion of NHS employees was in the Priory with me …. their costs being paid for by the NHS.

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