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By Anon

We live in a world where we are judged on what we have, not who we are. A world obsessed with money and status, where we are trying to keep afloat. Anxiety and depression is not a reflection on the person. Usually, the nicest and best people suffer most in what is essentially a cruel and selfish world, because we are sensitive and good souls and the world is the opposite.

We try to keep up with the demands of life, work, bills, relationships and children whilst trying to also find a way to enjoy life and have luxuries. Other people’s behaviours, work stress, money worries and relationship problems can all make us anxious and make it hard for us to cope, but we must never think the fault is ours. Life deals us all a different card and treats us all differently. Life’s unfair, and if we can’t cope with it then we shouldn’t be judged.

Depression and Anxiety - The best people suffer most. Anxiety and depression is not a reflection on the person. Usually, the nicest and best people suffer most in what is essentially a cruel and selfish world.

The truth is, society is to blame for mental health problems: the internet and the expanding opportunities that IT brings for us to feel instantly crap about ourselves, when we see flash cars and fancy holidays spread all over our newsfeeds. Or attractive people making us feel threatened about our relationships or just bad in ourselves. Life goes too quick and if we don’t keep up, we fall behind. Money and expectations are the roots of most anxiety but not all. The rich, and high-status people, can suffer too and I acknowledge that.

We all have different problems and coping mechanisms but the truth is, the speed of life, more cars on the road than ever, expectations to drive, difficulty saving for the future, difficulty saving for a house, bereavement, difficulty finding a job whilst trying to keep up with the pace of modern life all contribute to why we sometimes feel lost.

The best people suffer most

Sometimes, you do your best, you go to work every day to make money, and you feel you are getting nowhere. I wish people were there for each other more and would pull together. The best people suffer most. So if all the anxious and depressed people could meet, maybe we could all make ourselves and one another feel better.

The millennials aren’t the lucky generation. We aren’t less tough. We are just facing different battles. Kids on tablets everywhere and not the old games people used to play. I fear future generations will suffer more. For all the anxious and depressed people, society makes things so much tougher. It’s not a level playing field or equal society we live in.

We are all just trying to navigate our way through this thing we call life whilst doing our best for the people we care about. Getting through each day is an achievement. It’s an uncertain world, and anxiety about the future is understandable. Life can be enjoyable but on the whole, for most, it’s a struggle. Life is greedy. If we don’t have money for holidays and things we feel inadequate. We buy luxury things to help us feel about our mundane lives – usually stuck working stressful jobs – so we buy holidays and things as an escape, but we are all looking for an escape from our daily routine of stress.

Opportunity and money

No one cares about you, apart from your loved ones, because everyone wants more money. A society based on chasing money is one where there is no time for empathy for others. Life is not as black and white as be born, work hard in school, study hard, get a good job, earn money and have everything you want for you and your family. Life is not black and white at all.

Some people are born into troubled families, lack of opportunity and lack of money. Yet, we are expected to go through life the same way, earning, providing for our families, etc. No wonder people succumb to looking for a way out. Let’s face it, most of the time, opportunity and money usually breed opportunity and money. Some amazing people face rubbish lives, because life just isn’t good to them. There’s injustice all around us.

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iam 1in4 mental health daily tracker and journal

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