By Amysboarderlineworld
Well, as the title says, ‘I thought I was getting better’. But clearly there is still a lot of work to do.
I’m not saying that I am back exactly where I was and that I’ve made no improvement at all – because I have – but just not as much as I thought…
I can talk about things, but not me
I’ve gotten much better at talking about things. Explaining things on my blog and even privately to a few close people, but that’s really as far as it goes.
I can talk about things. I can explain the facts in great detail. And I can talk about mental health issues and champion positive moves in mental health care but when it comes down to me and my feelings then I’m just as bad as ever.
This never really occurred to me until right now but I really haven’t got much better at all about talking about how I feel. I still fall back on the same old safety net ‘Yes I’m ok thanks’, ‘I’m fine just really tired’, ‘I’m exhausted but other than that all is good!’
It is literally an automatic response. I don’t give myself a second to think about the ‘How are you?’ ‘How are you feeling?’ questions at all. I go onto autopilot and it happens so quickly that I just never really notice it happening. Even with very close people I know I can trust, I just don’t stop to think.
Because I’m scared
I think it’s because I’m scared, in all honesty. Scared that I might open up too much and frighten them away. Scared that I might cry and then never stop. Just scared of the unknown.
Saying that out loud does sound a bit stupid I know but I’m genuinely scared. I can’t imagine sitting with a friend or loved one and telling them exactly how I’m feeling. shudder
But why? Why can’t I tell them that things have turned bad again? Why can’t I tell them the suicidal thoughts have returned? Why can’t I tell them that I’ve been so down I’ve thought about leaving, disappearing?! Why can’t I tell them I was in such an awful place I self harmed?!
I think it’s shame. Guilt. Embarrassment. Again it’s being scared that they’ll leave.
There is such an awful stigma still surrounding mental health issues. There is also, still, very little understanding.
It’s SO difficult
Please know that if we don’t ask for help we are not doing it to be difficult or selfish. If we don’t open up and tell you how we are honestly feeling, it’s not to purposefully shut you out or be secretive. We find it so so difficult. More difficult than you will ever realise. Impossible in most instances for me. We need to know that if we do that terribly scary thing of being honest about how we are feeling, that you will not judge. That you will listen and support us.
Just be there for us. We don’t expect you to have all the answers or try and ‘fix’ things. Just being there when we need you is all we ever ask.
Maybe there is someone in your life that you know has struggled, but they always seem ‘fine’ when you ask how they are. Maybe you could pop them a text and ask them again? Let them know you are always there to listen. Keep telling them. You never know, you could end up saving someone’s life – I have had first-hand experience of this.
Be kind, always. You never know what battles someone might be facing.
Love Amy x
Reproduced with permission, originally posted on amysboarderlineworld.com
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[…] time or for something less important. Just as I was feeling better, it’s come again. I am handling things better – how does it still jump out and catch me unawares? One of the frustrating things is not being […]