By Anonymous
Words can be the things to break or save you, so it can be hard knowing what to say to someone who is struggling. What do you say, what do you do, what don’t you do? Here are just some things that I found helped, and didn’t help, me.
What really doesn’t help
Being alienated because people are unsure of how to act – in my head you’ve all already left me, so I might not chase after you, but please don’t leave. Just little things, smiles, saying hi… just do not leave – please!
Also pointing out the fact I have scars, for no reason. I am very, very aware of them. I wish I could lose them, but that’s not possible. They are as much part of me as my eyes, and nobody is like “Oh my goodness, you have eyes!” So what is the difference? It’s just a physical defect.
Words that make a difference
Anyway, now on a more positive note, here are some of the messages or things people have said to me which, although they took about 5 seconds to say/type, made a massive difference to my day.
“This is the best you I’ve known”
” I am sooooo proud of you. You have come a long way in 2 weeks and i love u for it”
“Just remember we all love you… good times and bad times hun. Don’t be a stranger, we adore you and are worried”
” I know you are struggling atm but believe me when i say we all care very much about you. You have a long road to travel my darling and its going to be tuff… you CAN do it”
“I know darling and i feel so bloody sorry for you… been there so many bloody times myself. Be strong honey…please. might it as much as you can. It’s not your fault and it’s difficult to beat… but you can y know”
“You are the tops whatever your results are”
“I just hope you’re not acting, I’d rather you weren’t like this and it was how you felt than you thinking you need to act to make me happy”
“It’s so good to see you happy”
“I love you so much more than even before for who you’re turning into”
“Look over there” (at me) ”Do you see that gorgeous, intelligent, young lady?”
“I don’t care that your arms are like that, they didn’t touch your character”
“You’ve been through so much, you’re turning into such a strong, independent woman”
“I want you to tell me if you’re having a bad day, I want you to know you are never alone”
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[amazon_link asins='1977009336' template='ProductGrid' store='iam1in4-20' marketplace='US' link_id='ffcb5f04-1297-11e8-8b2c-c721ea9703cc']“I’m always here, any time of the day or night”
“I won’t lie, I can’t solve all of your problems but I can make sure you don’t have to face them alone”
“You’re so much better than you think”
Simple remarks do so much
I hope these help you to understand simple little remarks which can genuinely do so much, and if you’re in a hurry, which everyone can be at times, here are 3 simple words which mean a lot: “I love you.” Strangely I always find the pronoun “I” is very important, because for some reason it convinces me that they actually are giving that emotion themselves.
I love you all