By Cassie Steele
Psychiatrists have found that spirituality has a significant part to play in mental health. It can help us to deal with the daily stresses and strains that we have in our lives, and help to give us perspective. Having good mental health is not just the absence of illness, but is also about having a well-adjusted personality, and the ability to cope with what life throws at us.
What is spirituality?
Spirituality is something that everyone can experience, but it is entirely different from religion. It is the feeling and belief that there is a great force in this universe that governs us. It is the knowledge that we all have our place, and that everything is happening and unfolding as it should. Spirituality can help us to find meaning and value in our lives, and this in turn brings us hope. It can help us to heal in times of grief and loss. It can help us to look inside, to self-reflect in order to have a healthy relationship with both ourselves and others.
Spirituality teaches us that all the experiences that we have in life, are there to shape and mould us, and also to help us to grow. This can have an extremely positive effect on our mental health and wellbeing.
How can I bring spirituality into my life?
There are many different ways that you can bring spirituality into your life. You need to give yourself the opportunity to look back on your experiences, and understand how you have grown as a person. You should also be able to look forward and ask yourself what you want out of life, and how you want things to change. Having a three card tarot reading can help with this, as each card represents the past, the present and the future. Spending a little time every day meditating is also a good way to focus on your spiritual side. It can give you peace of mind, and the breathing techniques can also help you to sleep better.
Spirituality and mental health
A study done by the Royal College of Psychiatrists found that those people who were more in touch with their spirituality had easier and faster recovery. They had a sense of meaning in their lives and a more positive outlook. It gave them self-esteem and confidence, both in themselves, and their relationship with others. This is because spirituality gave them a chance to make sense of life and to express their feelings in a way that was productive. They felt more like they belonged and had a place in the world around them. This kind of security can help especially with feelings of anxiety, one of the more common mental health issues.
Talking about spirituality and mental health in combination can help you gain perspective on what you want from life, and how to move forward. It can really help you to make sense of your life experiences and look to the future in a healthy, happier way.