By Rachael Senior
I was reminded by someone yesterday to keep my blog up, because not only did they enjoy reading my posts, but they also kept checking in case they missed the email notification. That was really touching to hear, so thank you A, I really appreciated your kind words. Sometimes I may need a gentle reminder that it is worthwhile posting, even semi-regularly. I am getting into more of a routine with things, so I shall make sure to add it to my routine again.
A whole 26.2 miles!
So first bit of big news, if you haven’t seen any of my posts yet, is… I have signed up to Brighton MARATHON 2018. Yup, you read that right, a whole 26.2 miles! I will do a longer post about this specifically but in short, I have tried so many different ways and times to get fit and healthy and couldn’t stick to anything, so I needed to do something drastic. So I signed up, and told people about it, before I could change my mind.
I will be raising money for Cats’ Protection in Ipswich. If you wish to follow my journey, I have created a Facebook page, www.facebook.com/RachaelsMeowathon, and there is also the Just Giving page, www.justgiving.com/fundraising/rachaels-meowathon.
But more on that shortly.
An appointment for CBT – at last!
Another big thing is that after 7 months, I have finally received a letter from Suffolk Wellbeing, with an appointment to see someone. It’s a little vague, in the sense that I am unsure what is going to happen. I assume it is for CBT, but it has thrown me a little, as it is at my doctor’s. That is in a couple of weeks’ time. It will be interesting to see what happens. Last time I attempted CBT was 5 years ago when I was in the worst of my anxiety, and I couldn’t understand it/get on with it.
So, watch this space. I don’t really have any expectations of it, but I do hope I don’t come away from it deflated and feeling it’s a waste of time.
Well then, I hope you are all doing well, and I will be back posting tomorrow! Thanks so much for all the support. If you would like to get an email every time I post a blog, just visit my site (below) and add your email address to the subscription form.
Peace & love
Reproduced with permission, originally posted here: shouldyouneedus.co.uk