By Rachael Senior
Today at work there was a big meeting which meant there are going to be some structure and job role changes. My job role is unaffected and, generally speaking, so is my team. But I’m not going to write about that in this post.
After the meeting, we went back to our office and were all having a chat about it all and what it means, etc, etc, when someone popped their head round the door, asking for me.
The Wellbeing Champion role
So off I toddled, and they asked me if I had previously seen the advert for the Wellbeing Champion role. It rang a vague bell, but I couldn’t quite remember the details, so the lady went over it with me and then re-sent me the information.
There are going to be six positions available for Wellbeing Champions. That basically means my job is still the same, but if people decide they need to talk to someone, or want guidance or support, then I will be available to them. I won’t be dealing with the HR/Occupational Health side of issues, but if someone feels they need a break for the moment, or to take some time out, whether it’s work related or home related, I will be there for support.
Also, I will be promoting the Time to Talk and Mental Health Awareness campaigns. I may need to speak to others about mental health, work-related stress, triggers, coping mechanisms, etc.
The workshop for this starts in September, so I have put my personal statement forward, about why I feel I would be good for this role and what I could contribute, etc.
A confidence boost
When they mentioned this to me, I felt really quite honoured that even though I’d recently had time off because of my anxiety, last week, they still viewed me as an eligible candidate for this position – enough to bring it to my attention personally.
That alone was a confidence boost. My initial thought was how exciting it could be, to learn how to use my experiences for positive actions for other people, and how I know it would, in turn, help me too.
A thought did cross my mind, numerous times – I wondered if it would mean proper public speaking, or anything else that is obviously one of my ultimate anxiety triggers. But the good feeling overcame that concern.
Another step in the right direction
I am still waiting to hear back about what the next step might be, but if I am able to have the comfort of knowing I am there if anyone needs me at work, then it is a responsibility I will do my utmost to excel in.
In my personal statement, I wrote about how I’ve come a long way. I mentioned my blog, a Facebook group I am a member of, that offers amazing support, and the fact that I am lucky enough to have a great support network of friends and family.
I have worked hard on my self-care, and I think this would be another step in the right direction for my mental health.
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Peace & love & remember… should you need us…
Reproduced with permission, originally posted here: shouldyouneedus.co.uk

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