By Rachael Senior
I felt really positive today. I realised a few days ago we received a number of orders for our business, one from a previous customer. So it looks like they told their mates and they put in orders.
Really excited about this boost. I was talking with Matt earlier and said that I may have had a break from our business for a short time but I always come back to it with motivation. Because I still really believe in the business and really want it to work and want it to be my future.
I am looking forward to this weekend. I’ll have plenty of time to be able to get the orders up to date and update the page with a few more items too.
Ready for the weekend!
Even though it’s been a short working week this week due to Bank Holiday, I am ready for the weekend. The weather is so muggy and sticky, it’s really annoying when I walk to work and feel like I need a shower when I get there!
But at least tomorrow is dress down Friday, or, as I like to call it, non school uniform day. Lol. I may even bust my shorts out! Rebel!
I hope you are all having a good day. If not, try to think of one good thing and focus on that.
Thanks for reading, and for all your support for me starting blogging again!
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Peace & love & remember… Should you need us…
Reproduced with permission, originally posted on shouldyouneedus.co.uk