By GH Kleiner
My name is Gh Kleiner. I’m looking for passionate people who love art and believe in the healing power of creating art. Can you print this testimony about my recovery journey? I have discovered the healing power of drawing. I’m here today because of my recovery journey using drawing. Drawing saved my life.
Drawing saved my life after I tried to end it
I was deeply unhappy and felt that I didn’t have anything to live for.
Through drawing, my mental health improved, and I gained confidence and found my purpose.
While sitting in a Westchester mental hospital for 3 months, recovering from major depression, I whimsically started drawing.
Drawing became my passion. I discovered a talent that I possessed which gave my life both meaning and purpose.
Creative thinking replaces unwanted thinking
While drawing I listen to music, which gives me motivation. My mind shifts from unwanted thinking to creative thinking. The more I fully engage in a drawing, the better I feel about myself. The more I make drawing a habit, the more I make it important in my day. Also, the more I look forward to drawing the next day and so on.
I bring my art supplies in a backpack wherever I go, so that I can draw.
Also, I want to teach others my method of drawing. I want to pass on my knowledge so others can benefit from drawing as well.
Please contact me if you have questions. I’m currently on sites in the US, England and France, for both my recovery story and to show my beautiful art.
If you google my name, Gh Kleiner, Artist, you will see the many web sites I am on.
My e mail is shineonu@aol.com.
Thank you