By Lisamarie Mckenna
I have written a poem for my daughter. It is incredibly difficult for children to understand mental illness and it’s equally difficult being a parent who has a mental illness. I’m a bipolar mother and parenting is sometimes hard. Writing poetry has helped me greatly. I hope you like it.
Dear darling daughter
Dear darling daughter,
Mummy loves you. I hope you know.
It confuses you, how my moods they to and they fro.
One day I’m Eeyore and the next I’m Tigger, but there was no warning so you think you’re the trigger.
Please let me reassure you this has nothing to do with you, it’s just that Mummy’s brain is rotten through and through, and this isn’t just a poem,
it’s to help you understand,
That though I may be unwell I will forever hold your hand.
I really need you to know that Mummy adores you like no other.
For you are my darling daughter and I am your bipolar mother.