Bambi On Ice - Getting Back Up
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By Martin Hughes

Once again I’ve slipped. But I’m getting back up.

Bambi On Ice - Getting Back Up. Once again I've slipped. Depression and anxiety really are a relentless pair of bastards. But once again, I'm getting back up.

Depression and anxiety really are a relentless pair of bastards. Even once you’ve slipped they hide and sneak up on you. Sometimes they hit you with the melancholy and irritability that people associate with these pricks.

Other times they hit you with this horrible apathy towards everything and anything and you just do nothing. It’s not that what you have to do isn’t important, you just can’t see the point in doing it. You can’t see your accomplishments as being valid because they haven’t made a big difference to the world. It’s an awful part of dealing with the bastard that it can pull you to this place where nothing matters.

Getting back up again

I’m in that place just now but don’t plan on staying. I’ve spent too long there in the past and lost so much time and so many opportunities.

I’m not going to let that happen again.

I’m surrounded by wonderful people and a ridiculous amount of love. Every day I see proof of my accomplishments and how far I’ve come. I see how important I am to those around me. And I see how far I’ve come since I first slipped and my fight began.

I may have slipped but I’m getting back up.

I’ll always get back up.

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