By Arlene Taylor
A Letter to My Anti Dee Present – Mister E. Fex. Sir
Dear Mister E Fex. Sir,
I hate that I love you, I love you, I hate you!
We have been off and on for about three years now.
You see, Elle A. hooked us up after I had planned on leaving the earth.
Don’t you remember what happened?
I was certain about DNR, said please donate my organs.
Porsha Cayenne, she helped me get off my cliff.
It was amazing we flew 400 feet into never.
Someone even called – Elle A., Fire!!!
Department members came to join in on my escape.
I went with them on a helicopter ride…
You see, Elle A… took me to see E Are.,
That’s when they cut off all of my clothes.
I thought they had lost it, gone mad.
But you see Elle A, said I was deep.
Pressed, called me Sue Cidal.
They said I would have to stay there with you
See Elle A, asked me to pee in a cup!!
She said she had to see what drugs I had been using.
Drugs? I thought – Yep they’ve lost it.
You see Elle A. said, “Don’t be alarmed”
It is standard after all Sue Cidal, calls to be be placed on hold
Keep you close and monitored.
You see Elle A. said you’re in, clean!
Lockdown! SIKE!! Evaluation is in order,
Gave me a beautiful gown and a bracelet with my name on it!
So I stayed there with you.
See, Elle A. said the trip I went on could have done a lot of damage.
She said she wanted to help me.
Wanted to make sure I could feel uplifted in my mind.
She said then I wouldn’t need to leave my cliff ever again.
She said she wanted to introduce me to you Mister E Fex. Sir!
That’s when our relationship started.
I think that I am ready to break up with you
Did I tell you I hate you? Here’s why
1. I am feeling great!! Oh and you’re so easy to forget!
2. Not even two full days without you, you start nagging me. You make my heart beat all fast.
Then, when I start feeling all sweaty, you make me want to yell and I can’t sit still!
3. You make me feel so nervous by the end of the second day without you –
I’m irritated and tense and cannot even finish the third day in peace
4. After work I go back to see Vee Es., I’m trying to pick you up,
I have to ask people for you. I feel like they are looking at me all weird.
It’s obvious I’m taking you, I am the one picking you up.
5. Sometimes I take you at night, but then I can never fall asleep
6. When I take you in the morning I forget to eat…
I feel so much better! Even great!
7. You somehow make me think I am beautiful
8. You get me so happy, I get busy living – not planning on escaping again
9. Its so easy to forget you, so I do
10. At the end of the month… Ok, it’s really the 5th week –
I’ve been taking you as much as I can remember.
OMG, Mister E Fex. Sir, you’re almost gone again!!
So there that’s why I hate you!
I am tired of picking you up. Tired of going to see Vee Es. to wait for you.
They give me such a hard time sometimes, jeez, I’m just trying to pick you up.
Three years! Shouldn’t they know you’re mine by now?
I know they know…I don’t just pick you up. I’m the one that takes you!
I still pick you up – even when they say you’re “Anti” Dee Present.
I still pick you up, no matter what they say about you.
It’s because I do know, some days… you really do make Dee Present. better
That’s it. That’s how I know I hate you.
Even though, I may really love you.
Mister E. Fex Sir, you’re just so easy to forget.
Art. 2017