Top 10 Ways To Help Someone With Postpartum Depression
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By Mummyitsok

Knowing how to help someone with postpartum depression can be very difficult. It’s not a much discussed topic, and family and friends are often left wondering and unsure how best to help someone with their postpartum depression recovery.

Top 10 Ways To Help Someone With Postpartum Depression. If your partner has postpartum depression, it can be hard to know what to do. I've been there, and here are my top 10 recommendations.

They have their own fight, plus a baby to look after, which is life-changing for all involved.

It’s a question I’ve heard often: ‘My partner/wife has postnatal depression, how can I help her?’

Postpartum depression sufferers often continue to look after their little one perfectly fine. However, in the process, they neglect themselves and their own needs.

As a mum with postpartum depression, these are my recommendations as to how to help someone with postpartum depression.

My Top 10 Ways To Help Someone With Postpartum Depression

1. She Needs To Eat. It’s tough to have an appetite when you’re not 100% and you’re sleep deprived. Make your partner something to eat, even if it’s just a simple sandwich and packet of crisps – if you don’t do it she probably won’t.

2. Offer to watch the little one and suggest she has a nice long bubble bath – it’s tough when someone needs you 24/7. Even something as simple as some peace and quiet to have a bath can really help – some days we’re lucky to grab a quick shower.

3. Make sure she gets some sleep – this is a tough one with a baby. Do you have parents who could have your little one for a night to help you try and get some rest?

You’re not going anywhere

4. Make sure she knows she is a wonderful mother and that you’re proud of her for getting the help she needs.

5. Reassure her that you’re not going anywhere – you’re in this together and you’ll be there no matter what.

6. Explain to her that a happy mum is a happy baby. There’s no shame in taking 5 minutes  out for yourself or having someone babysit for a couple of hours. Everyone needs a break.

7. Reassure her that this is an illness just like any other, and that she will get better.

You’re there to listen

8. Take time every day to ask how she really is – ‘fine’ often isn’t fine – tell her that you’re there to listen and help her, not to judge. Explain that she can tell you anything, no matter how ‘out there’ it may seem.

9. Make sure she keeps up with any medication provided by the GP and that she attends all necessary appointments. Antidepressants do help, and it’s important to keep taking them in order to get better.

10. Be patient with her. Some days she’ll find it tough to make sense of her own thoughts and feelings, let alone understand anything else.

Mummy It’s OK – You’re Doing Great!

Reproduced with permission, originally posted on

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