By Niall Moran
I have had Schizophrenia since I was 20 years old. My first admission to hospital was when I was 23, and that was when I was medicated. I was there 2 weeks. For 15 years, I took my medication and got on with life as best I could, with no assistance whatsoever (no CPN etc.).
I was sectioned
5 years ago, I refused to take my medication and went off it. I was off it 18 months before I was sectioned (admitted to hospital) for the second time. The hospital in my city in Northern Ireland basically will only admit you if you have tried to commit suicide. I was in hospital this time for 4 months, and put on new medication and let out.
The mental health system let me down
I’ve been in recovery now for 3 years, and things are going well, if I’m honest. My view is that the mental health system let me and my family down badly, and I count myself lucky to be here, and to even be writing this article.
Suicide is a serious problem in my city, and the shambles that is the mental health system here is not helping and needs serious investment.