By Martin Doherty
Creating a meditation room in your home is simple, and it could be one of the best decisions you ever make. Not only could it be a sacred space for you to enjoy, but it could also be somewhere to invite friends and family to unwind, meditate and contemplate.
We live in a very fast world these days and the simple things often get sidelined or forgotten about. Work seems to take focus, raising the kids stresses us out and the daily slog of just get up and go takes its toll. Human beings are not designed for such stressful lives, and this is often the root of all our anxiety. Stress in the modern world breeds it. But have you ever considered creating a space in your home where you can just forget about all that?
So now we have explored the ‘why’, let’s look at the ‘how’. How do you create a meditation room?
It’s quite easy really: all that you need is a relaxing space that you can dedicate to pure meditation and contemplation. Let it be a space just for you and those who you want to invite into your sacred space. No kids, no pets, no work! What do you need to make a meditation room a relaxing space? Let’s explore…
Comfortable Seating
The most basic equipment you will need is something just to sit on. Maybe you already have a comfortable chair or stool, perhaps you’re quite content with a yoga mat, but meditation cushions are probably the best and certainly the most versatile.
There are many accessories to kit out a meditation room, ranging from incense sticks and Tibetan singing bowls to meditation bells. I highly recommend the Satya Nag Champa incense sticks as these are the best and highest quality.
Candles are another great accessory to add to your space. Their flames can be something for you to focus on throughout your meditations. Many people who start meditation find it difficult to let go and be, so the candle’s flame is a really good focal point for starters — to help let everything else just pass!
If you are new to meditation then it might be wise to invest in some guided meditation materials that are designed to help you in your meditation practice. Simple audio CDs can be a cheap and easy way of achieving this. Going to meditation classes can be expensive, so having a few CDs at your disposal is certainly wise.
For more like this, please read our blog on mindfulness.
Reproduced with permission, originally posted on overcominganxietyblog.com