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By Martin Hughes
I’ve said before that I think that one of the worst things about depression is catching yourself sinking. The only thing I think is even worse than that feeling, is having thoughts that you know are wrong and nonsensical: the lies depression tells you.
4 Lies Depression Tells You
- Catching yourself thinking that you are alone and nobody cares, when you know people do care so much and you are not alone.
- Feeling like a failure, when you know you’ve overcome so much to get to where you are.
- Feeling like a burden to those around you, when you know you’re surrounded by unconditional love.
- Then there’s the guilt that comes with catching yourself having these horrible thoughts. The worry that you’re driving people away. The fear that you’re losing everything.
It’s not your fault.
It’s the biggest trick the cowardly bastard has in its arsenal. If you can get past it once, you can do it again and again. It won’t make it hurt less at the time, but it can be overcome.
I will overcome it again.


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